Josh Tudor, MICWCI
Clerk of Works
The youngest qualified Member of the Institute of Clerk of Works Construction Inspectorate, in its 140 years. Local Chairman, Interviews Assessor & correspondence for fire product queries for Members.
What expertise and background do you bring to the table?
I am a prominent and well-known Clerk of Works with a notorious career in construction. My renown within construction has come from my large experience within the Inspectorate field and profession. This is due to my large involvement within the ICWCI (Institute of Clerk of Works Construction Inspectorate) and it’s progression to re-kindling the Clerk of Works name and role to the UK, as well as its route to being a fully Chartered Professional body.
As a Full Member, I have both established and proven myself as a competent person within the eyes of many names – As the youngest qualified Member of the ICWCI, in its 140 years. Also, my involvement as local Chairman, Interviews Assessor & correspondence for fire product queries for Members.
Can you outline the responsibilities of your role?
My role involves completing site inspections and quality assurance to ascertain and report back to clients, funders, and main contractors on issues related to workmanship, quality, and Health & Safety. During inspections, I review installation guides, manufacturer and supplier product instructions and contract requirements.
Site inspections and visits are generally on a weekly basis, with some requiring inspections every two weeks. In addition to these tasks, I compile monthly reports that document all concise information for my assigned sites, which are then shared with relevant client-based personnel.
Describe your experiences and growth at Circle?
I started as a Clerk of Works in 2024. I am currently involved in the projects Leeds II, Park Street and Brent Cross. My growth will progress, at December, when I am able to qualify for interview for Fellowship Membership within the ICWCI.
What has been your favourite project?
My favourite project, so far, is Brent Cross. This is due to its involvement with different bespoke details for fire barriers and the façade system together. Even with the project already half-way through, the vast amount of works with tanking details, sprinkler installation routes and product instructions has kept me happily busy.
What brings you joy outside of work?
I play tennis regularly in the evenings and weekends, for local club teams and events. I like to relax with like minded people. I have also recently acquired my bike license, so I aim to be on the roads soon and involved with the mechanical side of riding for the foreseeable future.
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